A lot of people said that Premium Beautiful (PB) is expensive. Yes, I agree. For a set of lingerie it is considered expensive. Why? Because it is not made from ordinary fabric. It is made from special fabrique i.e. akwatek and akwadyne which is mostly used in sports apparel, and function as thermoregulator controlling temperature and comfort.
Moreover this fabric is embedded with Far Infrared Radiation which not only serves for better health, but also for shaping and slimming. You could check out my older post about this: http://www.nurulannisakamardin.blogspot.com/2012/06/special-promotion-pakej-paris-dan.html
The price for one set of PB lingerie ranges from RM2200-RM2600 depending on your size. And the unique thing about this product is that there is no absolute Small, Medium or Large size because we women are all different and unique. You might have a small upper part of body but large waist and bottom whereas your friend has large upper part of body but a medium waist and small bottom. You see, we are all UNIQUE! :)
But come to think of it, RM2600 is not a big price to pay because you only pay it ONCE and that's it! Not only you get a product with a FREE LIFETIME WARRANTY (all damage or broken set can be repaired for FREE for A LIFETIME! YEAH, LIFETIME), you also get to save a lot of money if compared you using slimming center service or slimming product which you have to consume for some time. Not to mention, the rebound effect you get once you stop using all these products or services. And you will be back to SQUARE ONE.
Of course, I do have some customers complaining why they still don't lose weight and why they still weigh the same etc etc. And honestly there was a point, after losing so much weight since wearing PB, my body stopped losing weight. In fact I re-gained all my weight. And I had breakdown for some time and eventually stopped wearing it.
It made me think, what went wrong? After few months of pondering and thinking, I remember I was being NON-COMPLIANT. I felt I had become slimmer and there was no need to wear it constantly as before, not realizing that is where I went wrong.
Premium Beautiful, like any other measures such as slimming centres, slimming juice or drinks etc is just a supportive and extra measure. We still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eating the right food. It's just for some people like me or anyone with weight problem, we need extra measures or effort. That is why we go to slimming centres, buy this and buy that. But we forgot, that all these are just extra and supportive measures.
It depends on one's comfort what to use. Some people don't mind spending more than RM20,000 for 10 courses of slimming sessions, while some people opt for a cheaper method like slimming juice, thinking that once they gain their optimum weight they would stop taking it.
As for me, now I feel comfortable using PB and for me it is very saving. And since I have finished my housemanship, I have become compliant again to PB. Although for now I haven't lost any weight yet, I am in better shape since compliant and even when I take it off :) I am very looking forward for next few months to come ;)
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