Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Premium Beautiful Waist Nipper

70% health, 30% beauty
Reshaping, slimming and for back pain

Product Features:
Supports waist and spine with 7 alloy steel to correct postures
Pushes fat from waist to breasts and hips by unique ergonomic design to achieve waving contour.
Reshapes waist line with imported waistband from Japan.
Stretchable design helps to achieve expanding effect.
Slimming with 3 pairs of hook-and-eye. 
Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product. 


Does Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie affect blood circulation and health? Would it cause any changes in body contour?
No, this is because Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie is made from natural fibre, nylon, tetron and lycra manufactured with the latest technology according to ergonomic design. The Far-Infrared Ray promote blood circulation and metabolism, whereas the sweat absorption materials help ventilation, hydrophilic and no heat trapping. Therefore, Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie does not affect health and blood circulation. On the other hand, it reshapes and sculpts body contours.

Does Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie trap heat?
Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie is made from natural fibre, nylon, tetron and lycra manufactured with the latest technology for greater efficiency on sweat absorption and ventilation. Therefore, it is comfortable to be worn during hot weather for perfect body contour reshaping.

When is the appropriate time to take measurement if I want to wear it after childbirth (postpartum)?
It is recommended to take measurement during the 6th or 7th month of pregnancy because it is similar to the postpartum body shape. If more than 8 months, then you should take the measurement after 3 days of delivery!
In addition, you should wear after 7~10 days of natural birth. Depending on recovery conditions for C-section women, it is usually worn after 10~14 days. The best slimming period for postpartum women is within 6 months, for better slimming effects if worn earlier to reposition both organs and uterus.

How long does it take Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie to have reshaping?
Wearing reshaping lingerie is a natural adjustment process which needs persistence. Usually it shows the effects directly after wearing but needs 1-6 months for reshaping depending on body conditions. For 1-3 months, body fat is moved and repositioned. Reshaped contour is normally completed after 6 months. While wearing Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie, you may feel discomfort and tightness on the first 1-15 days. After the adjusting period, you will feel more comfortable as you wear!

Should I wear both long girdle and waist nipper too if I am wearing Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Brassiere?
Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Brassiere and Long Girdle are basic functional lingerie to give a sleek line on breasts, waist, stomach, buttocks and thighs; whereas waist nipper lifts full breasts, adjust the breasts and stomach contour to correct posture. If you are wearing fit clothing, a complete set of Premium Beautiful Foundation lingerie helps to reshape a perfect and beautiful body line.  

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Marine Essence

Harga diskaun! Harga diskaun! Mari, mari! Barang hebat!

Sabun khas untuk cerahkan ketiak dan celah2 paha tu (ehem, ehem) dan juga boleh digunakan untuk seluruh badan kalau nak cerahkan seluruh badan :), dan sangat bagus untuk kulit eczema!

Harga asal RM105 untuk sekotak- sekotak ada 3 bar sabun. Boleh juga beli sebiji2 kalau mahu tapi lebih jimat kalau beli sekotak sebab harga diskaun jadi RM95! Kalau beli 2 kotak ke atas, dapat free postage nationwide lagi! haa.. kalau nak jimat sangat, apa kata beli sekotak dua kotak, pastu kongsi2 bagi dgn kawan atau family. try sebiji dulu, pasti nanti nak lagi!

Bahan utama: garam buluh, extract teh Pu-Erh, liquorice extract, tea-tree oil, vitamin E, gliserin, aloe vera.
@AnnisaTheGreat (Twitter)

Friday, 15 February 2013

Melayu Mudah Lupa

Pada 14 Februari 2013 bersempena Valentine’s Day, aku telah menghabiskan masa seawal 5 pagi untuk menghadiri kursus perlindungan dan akta kanak-kanak kat HUSM Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Bertolak dr Gua Musang kul 5 pagi, sampai kat HUSM dekat pukul 8 pagi. Jauh tu! Lagi setengah jam dah boleh sampai kl dah kalau drive bertentangan arah dari kul 5 pagi tu.

Yang menghantar aku pada hari itu adalah Encik Nik, driver HOGUM yang dah agak berusia juga la. Umur dia lebih tua dari ayah aku, tapi muka Nampak awet muda. Aku sebaya anak nombor dua dia, katanya. Banyak la yang kitorang sembangkan sepanjang perjalanan tu. Dari sejarah Kelantan, tentang tempat-tempat menarik kat Kelantan, tentang pengalaman dia hidup di zaman komunis yang menakutkan, dan banyak lagi. Perbualan kitorang terhenti sekejap masa dah sampai kat HUSM tu. Bila kursus dah habis dalam kul 5 ptg, dia pun datang balik jemput aku kat HUSM. Rupanya sepanjang hari tu dia tunggu aku kat HRPZ, lepak2 kat situ katanya. Yelah, tak make sense lak dia nak drive balik ke gua musang pastu patah balik nak jemput aku. Kesian pakcik tu..
On the way balik tu, dalam sembang2 tu, dia meluahkan rasa kecewa dia terhadap anak bangsa Melayu zaman sekarang yang tak tahu bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi kat bumi Malaysia ni. Dia kata orang Melayu patutnya bersyukur dapat kerajaan yang prihatin dengan orang Melayu. Dia ada sanak saudara yang kawin dengan orang Indonesia, dan dia lihat sendiri betapa susahnya orang2 macam tu hidup kat kampung halaman sendiri berbanding Malaysia. Dia kata orang2 Indonesia, Burma, dan bangsa2 asing lainnya sanggup bergadai nyawa dan harta semata2 nak datang Malaysia sebab tahu kat sini dapat hidup makmur. Walau macamana susah pun diorang hidup kat sini mungkin disebabkan masalah immigrasi, documentation dan sebagainya, itu lebih baik daripada hidup susah kat Negara diorang sendiri. Dia ada kawan orang Burma, dan dia pernah bertanya dengan kawannya itu, kenapa tak nak balik Burma sana? Nak tahu apa orang Burma tu cakap? “saya lebih baik mati kat Malaysia daripada hidup kat Burma sana”. I was so surprised!

Regarding orang Indonesia tu aku faham. Aku pernah hidup kat sana selama lebih 6 tahun dan aku lihat sendiri macamane orang Indonesia kebanyakannya kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang, dan takde simpanan. Kalau aku bayar pakcik tarik beca Rp5,000 (lebih kurang rm1.70) dari jalan besar nak balik ke rumah sewa aku, pakcik tu akan mengucapkan terima kasih dengan genangan air mata dan senyuman gembira tak terkata- bayangkan la betapa bernilainya rm1.70 bagi dia (biasanya orang local akan bayar Rp3,000 je, lebih kurang rm1). Sebab tu tak heran la, walau macamane pun kabar angin menyatakan kat Malaysia nanti pekerja Indonesia kena dera (sebenarnya tak sepenuhnya betul ye), masih ramai orang Indonesia yang nak datang ke Malaysia untuk bekerja.  Belum lagi cakap pasal servis kesihatan. Kat sana tak ada yang namanya percuma. Sume mesti bayar. Kalau diorang kerja bagus sikit, dapat la Askes ke asuransi apa ke. Itupun ada limitationnya. Ada la pulak yang namanya Askin (asuransi miskin) yang kabarnya dari kawan2 doktor kat Indonesia tak membantu sangat pun.

Cuba bandingkan dengan Negara kita, Malaysia. Bak kata Encik Nik - seorang lelaki warganegara Malaysia berbangsa Melayu yang dah hidup melalui zaman komunis, dah tahu betapa jerih payahnya kerajaan cuba membina sebuah Negara yang lebih makmur untuk kita semua- kite rakyat Malaysia ni dijaga oleh kerajaan kita sejak kita dalam perut mak kita lagi. Setiap berapa bulan sekali, mak kita yang mengandungkan kita akan pergi klinik kesihatan untuk periksa kesihatan kita kat dalam perut dia. Kalau mak kita kurang darah, kerajaan beri lagi ubat tambah darah percuma. Ultrasound scan, amik darah sume tak kena bayar. Mak kita bayar RM1 je. Belum lagi bila kita dah keluar dari perut mak kita. Ada pulak nurse2 yang akan datang ke rumah mak kita nak cek jaundice kite. Hampir setiap hari nurse2 ni akan keliling kampong cek darah baby2 yang baru dilahirkan untuk pastikan tak kuning. Kalau kuning, kena hantar hospital kasi phototherapy. Sume tu ada mak kita bayar? Memang la ada, tapi tak seberapa dengan subsidi yang kerajaan dah beri untuk pastikan kesihatan kita anak2 malaysia terjamin, dengan harapan dapat membesar dengan sihat dan tak cacat otak sebab jaundice. Anak2 yang kurang zat lak macam anak2 orang asli, siap kerajaan beri susu percuma untuk pastikan diorang cukup zat. Ada pulak refeeding center (macam kat hospital gua musang ni), untuk pastikan anak2 malaysia yang tak cukup zat dikasi makan dengan cukup dan gain normal weight, dibagi susu percuma. Ada ke mak kita bayar untuk sume tu? Confirm la takde.

Bila kita masuk sekolah, kerajaan bagi buku teks percuma. Yuran sekolah tak payah bayar. Orang2 susah siap dibagi masuk program makanan tambahan lagi supaya tak kelaparan kat sekolah dan cukup zat. Ada pulak biasiswa untuk pelajar2 cemerlang dan Berjaya. Masuk university pun sama, kalau kurang pandai, kerajaan siapkan loan untuk bagi can orang yang kurang pandai ni masuk university dan belajar. Kalau kita pandai sikit, dapat la scholarship pegi mana2 untuk belajar dan keluar kerja yang bagus2. Dalam scholarship tu, ada lak peruntukan untuk dapat computer la, untuk insuran kesihatan la, dan lain2 elaun. Siapa2 yang pernah study dengan scholarship pasti faham la apa yang aku cakapkan ni.

Pastu bila kita dah Berjaya, kita lupa daratan lak. Kita hentam kerajaan habis2 an padahal dari kita dalam perut mak kita lagi, punya la kerajaan jaga kita bagai menatang minyak yang penuh (bukan mak kita je yang menjaga kita macam menatang minyak penuh ye). Bila kita dah dewasa, independent dan Berjaya, kita jadi lupa dan condemn kerajaan habis2an. And mostly yang lupa ni orang Melayu. Memang betul kata Dr Tun Mahathir, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA. Begitu la panjang lebarnya pakcik ni bercerita dengan aku sepanjang 3 jam perjalanan dari kubang kerian ke gua musang itu.

Bila aku dengar kata2 pakcik yang jauh lebih tua dari ayah aku ni, aku jadi hiba. Betul kata pakcik tu. Walaupun aku tak pernah menentang kerajaan (in fact I’m a government doctor), aku tak pernah terfikir sejauh itu. Tak pernah terfikir bahwa dari aku dalam perut mak aku, kerajaan dah jaga aku sebaik mungkin sehingga la aku dewasa dan jadi doctor- ini semua kerana aku orang Malaysia. Aku jadi doctor pun sebab aku orang melayu. Kalau aku ni bukan melayu, confirmlah aku tak dapat biasiswa MARA untuk study medic kat Indonesia dulu- kenapa? Sebab family aku bukan orang kaya. Rata2 orang melayu pun bukan orang kaya. Boleh kira dengan jari la orang2 melayu yang study medic nak jadi doctor dengan biaya sendiri. More than 90% malays who study professional course like engineering, medicine, laws mesti dapat biasiswa kerajaan atau mana2 badan kerajaan untuk study. Orang cina and India je yang banyak duit study medic or other professional course pakai duit mak bapak through agents etc.

Semua kemudahan yang ada ni sebenarnya kerajaan sediakan untuk pastikan orang Melayu jadi orang yang berguna. Bukan setakat dok kat rumah buat kerja kampong atau lepak2 tak tentu arah, or worse, end up kat pusat serenti atau pusat pemulihan. Tapi tu la, kebanyakan melayu memang tak tahu bersyukur.

Pernah tak korang terfikir kenapa Dr Tun Mahathir lama menjawat jawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia? Its because of his idea and effort yang nak memajukan orang Melayu la yang menyebabkan orang melayu zaman itu bersatu menyokong dia. Because of his idea and effort, atuk nenek kita, mak bapak kita yang mungkin dah hidup agak lama yang Nampak macamane susahnya orang melayu zaman dulu, bersatu menyokong Tun M dan partinya supaya kite orang melayu tak hidup macam zaman dulu2- bak kata Encik Nik, hidup zaman dulu2, susah!

Kite anak zaman sekarang tahu senang je. Kita buka mata je, tengok air paip dah mengalir dari water tap. Punya le senang hidup kite kan? Yang kita Nampak Cuma salah kerajaan je. Kita tak pernah hargai semua usaha kerajaan. Kadang2 aku terfikir, apa la nasib kita ni kalau Negara kita ni macam Indonesia or India?? Mesti haru-biru. Patutnya kita bersyukur sebab jadi orang Malaysia, dan lebih bersyukur lagi sebab kita adalah orang melayu di MALAYsia. Bukan tahu hentam dan condemn kerajaan saja. Jangan la kite menjadi orang MELAYU MUDAH LUPA.


for those who are really interested to do business from home online, you guys should come tomorrow to the Sohonista :) free admission! sharing is caring.

pb on its way!

PB lingerie on its way to its buyer. weee!!! bye bye!! who else want it?? contact me for details :)
@AnnisaTheGreat (Twitter)

Premium Beautiful on Offer! crazy discount!

I want to give offer Premium Beautiful Lingerie Series, priced between RM1500 - RM1800 for 2 pieces- long bra n girdle- no waist nipper. No waist nipper because some previous customers only bought waist nipper from me. You could also buy one-piece only. Price already discounted. But you can get further discount if you are really interested. All you need to do is contact me. FREE POSTAGE NATIONWIDE. Hurry pm me :) Get SLIMMER THE SAFEST WAY, THE MOST MONEY SAVING WAY, WITH LIFETIME WARRANTY (FREE REPAIR SERVICE LIFETIME!) STOCKS LIMITED to 4 sets only.
@AnnisaTheGreat (Twitter)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Early days in Gua Musang Part 4

It’s been past one week since I moved to this place. Yet I haven’t suited well with the place. I enjoy my work though. Work starts at 8am and finish at 5pm, if I’m not oncall. On Thursday we finish work at 3.30pm. We have a lunch break from 1-2pm but it seems like everybody only comes back to work at 2.30pm. During lunch break the doctors oncall will cover the hospital. Turns out that there are actually 7 doctors including me working in the hospital. We only have general male ward (ward 2A), general female ward (ward 2B) which also accommodates paediatric patients (children), a labour room which only accommodate normal SVD (normal childbirth)—thank god- and a a refeeding ward (first time I ever heard of it).

Ward 2a and 2b each can accommodate up to 20 patients each, while labour room and the refeeding ward, I’m not sure of them. Hehe. I’m in charge of the A&E and ward 2a. Most of the patients in the refeeding ward are malnourished Orang Asli (aborigins) children. This is the first time I encounter malnourished patients since I started working past 2 years. And honestly I suck in its management and always got blurred each time I have to attend such patients. Obviously I need to read more about these stuffs, how to calculate feeding for malnourished children etc etc. And in this place, there are lots of malaria and leptospirosis cases. I rarely treat patients with malaria and leptospirosis and malnourishment in Klang Hospital. The kind of cases I have there are diabetes, hypertension and other “luxurious” illness. Hahaha!! But this is kind of interesting because, whether I like it or not, I have to know how to handle these cases.

My first day at the A&E was kind of funny. I’m so used to walking around doing a lot of things in the A&E in HTAR even when I was working as an MO. But here the condition is very different. I was so agitated of doing nothing. The red zone is much much less busier than the blue zone in HTAR. So can you imagine the yellow, green and blue zone here? HEAVEN. My colleagues said we do have serious cases like major accidents, MI, and so on but maybe so far I’m just anti-jonah in here. Hehehe….

But the one thing I don’t like here is we have to do autopsy. Seriously I hate forensics. I hate the smells. And apparently we do have autopsy at least once a month. What the hell??!!

Apart from work, life is just so so. I found some good neighbours, and make friends with them. Although I’m not yet close to my colleagues, so far they’re ok. But I’m just so bored in here. Last Thursday I made a last-minute decision to go back to klang when I learnt that my brother has one week school holiday and he wants to spend the holiday at his grandmother’s house. So off I went with him after work. I could make it in 4 hours from here to KL that include a 30minute stop for dinner, and another 45 minutes from kl to klang. I came back to gua musang this morning. I reached here at 2 am after 4 hours drive ALONE without my brother. Honestly I was scared and I only stopped twice to take a pee and for petrol. But thank god I came back in one piece. Although the visit to klang was just a while, I feel much better coz I could go back home. My own home.

I don’t know why, but I’m just counting days to go back to klang again. I mean to go back for good. I just want to wait until july or august then ask for a transfer back to klang, and hopefully I can get it just in time when my brother finish his SPM exam. I’m so homesick, I miss my family, I miss my friends, and I miss my home. And also I miss him…

But while I’m still here, I will make do what I have and bear with it. I hope things will get better and very soon I’ll be back in my own home… for good.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie Series - Does it really work? And expensive some more!

A lot of people said that Premium Beautiful (PB) is expensive. Yes, I agree. For a set of lingerie it is considered expensive. Why? Because it is not made from ordinary fabric. It is made from special fabrique i.e. akwatek and akwadyne which is mostly used in sports apparel, and function as thermoregulator controlling temperature and comfort.

Moreover this fabric is embedded with Far Infrared Radiation which not only serves for better health, but also for shaping and slimming. You could check out my older post about this:

The price for one set of PB lingerie ranges from RM2200-RM2600 depending on your size. And the unique thing about this product is that there is no absolute Small, Medium or Large size because we women are all different and unique. You might have a small upper part of body but large waist and bottom whereas your friend has large upper part of body but a medium waist and small bottom. You see, we are all UNIQUE! :)

But come to think of it, RM2600 is not a big price to pay because you only pay it ONCE and that's it! Not only you get a product with a FREE LIFETIME WARRANTY (all damage or broken set can be repaired for FREE for A LIFETIME! YEAH, LIFETIME), you also get to save a lot of money if compared you using slimming center service or slimming product which you have to consume for some time. Not to mention, the rebound effect you get once you stop using all these products or services. And you will be back to SQUARE ONE.

Of course, I do have some customers complaining why they still don't lose weight and why they still weigh the same etc etc. And honestly there was a point, after losing so much weight since wearing PB, my body stopped losing weight. In fact I re-gained all my weight. And I had breakdown for some time and eventually stopped wearing it.

It made me think, what went wrong? After few months of pondering and thinking, I remember I was being NON-COMPLIANT. I felt I had become slimmer and there was no need to wear it constantly as before, not realizing that is where I went wrong.

Premium Beautiful, like any other measures such as slimming centres, slimming juice or drinks etc is just a supportive and extra measure. We still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eating the right food. It's just for some people like me or anyone with weight problem, we need extra measures or effort. That is why we go to slimming centres, buy this and buy that. But we forgot, that all these are just extra and supportive measures.

It depends on one's comfort what to use. Some people don't mind spending more than RM20,000 for 10 courses of slimming sessions, while some people opt for a cheaper method like slimming juice, thinking that once they gain their optimum weight they would stop taking it.

As for me, now I feel comfortable using PB and for me it is very saving. And since I have finished my housemanship, I have become compliant again to PB. Although for now I haven't lost any weight yet, I am in better shape since compliant and even when I take it off :) I am very looking forward for next few months to come ;)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

early days in gua musang part 3

All praises to the Almighty Allah, my brother and I lived through another day here in gua musang. today is the first day Danial at school. i don't know why, but i was the one who felt so nervous and worried for him while he was looking so calm. i couldn't manage to see his class teacher Ms Felicia, they say because it wasn't her teaching slot. but i plan to see her when the school ends today afternoon. i think i need to explain about my brother's condition so that she wouldn't be surprised if he gets another seizure attack or if he's behaving strangely in class.

As i left the school, i was so damn worried that i almost cried when i prayed to God that Danial would have a nice first day at school. i really hope everything will be fine today. and today afternoon we will be moving into the new house. i think for now, i have to accept the fact that i might have to stay in the house for as long as i'm working here. and today i really need to settle my paperwork for claim. apparently i found the staff here are not so good in doing their job. whatever questions i asked them, they seemed so blur although it's his/her own field of work that i was asking about. i don't know, but that's what i feel. i hope they are nice staff and cooperative.

Tomorrow will be my last day on leave. Next tomorrow i have to start working as usual. For now i have become less homesick, most probably because i still have my brother here, or because i have met some very nice people here :) i hope i'll be getting comfortable as soon as possible...


since my blogspot cannot upload pictures, i made another account in wordpress for my new business blogs. although i'm still new at this and still learning to use it, this Wordpress is actually quite awesome and have very nice features :) please check out my new blog at Wordpress

okay, u guys might see i posted twice for one particular post. that was technical mistake done by ME. hahaha!!  still need to learn more on how to use this Wordpress.

okay, gotta go for now. i hope you enjoy reading it. and if you want to order, please contact me at: or you can call me at +60162384175. daa............

Friday, 1 February 2013

hospital gua musang

my new working place... HOSPITAL GUA MUSANG.
still new.. lovely surrounding...
i hope it will have lovely people to work with :)


good morning, peeps! please like and share my page, will you ;) ?

lots of products and great business opportunity waiting for those who want to make extra money!

early days in gua musang part 2

alhamdulillah, everything is becoming easier. danial get to go to school on this Sunday (ok here in Kelantan their weekend is on Friday and Saturday). and apparently some of the teachers here and the district education officer here are more cooperative compared to danial's old school teachers. they are more aware of need and attention and requirement of my little brother since he is not only epileptic, but also has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and high-functioning autism-- when grouped together is known as Asperger's syndrome (that is what the psy specialist in Selayang hospital was telling me).

I was so pleased when the district education officer here in Kelantan admit that my brother has an above average IQ despite all his mental or brain health when they looked at his PMR result and the medical report from Prof Eizwan and did their own assessment of my brother. And all of them agreed that he is capable of following normal school like other students but with extra and special attention. i thank god so much that all of them here are more supportive and willing to help my brother, at least to make him go through SPM, unlike his teachers in  his previous school.

i need to go through this at least for 1 year- at least until my brother has finished his SPM exam. and i pray so much to god that i can make it.

this sunday i'm moving in to the new house. at the home owner apparently is so kind to provide a bed for me and my brother. besides the hotel owner who has been helping me alot in my previous post, i also met other friendly and nice people around here. i hope i will find something good and wisdom of my re-allocation here. i can feel it.

at the same time, i still feel homesick. but my brother's presence here makes it bearable for me. although at times we fight alot, at some other times he could be so sweet and very helpful. i'm glad i have a little brother who understands what i'm going through.

today i want to settle some more paper work before starting work on tuesday. honestly i'm beginning to get worried coz just now i remember that there are only 2 doctors currently in charge of the hospital, and when i start working next week, that makes 3. THREE doctors only in the whole of hospital. and i wonder whether i can get some time off in late February for my best friend's wedding.. hey, i'll be a bridesmaid for the very first time!! well... for now i can't worry about that yet. i hope i can get some time off by then..

well.. gotta go for now... i'll update more in the time to come.. :) adiossss.......

singing doctor?

i'm feeling amused watching American Idol-12 tonight. funny, surprised and a little bit of suspense as well. this reminds me when i was small, i have always dreamt to become a singer. even right now if I have that chance. hahaha!!

when i was small, everytime people asked me "when you grow up, what do you want to become?" and i would claim in excitement "i wanna be a singer!" and abah (dad) would go sour-faced hearing what i said. he always used to say, "singer? why u wanna become a singer? why don't you become someone useful like doctor or engineer?" and i would go sour-faced. hahaha!! so childish.

when i took up medicine, i still had that dream of becoming a singer. i was thinking maybe i would be a singing doctor, perhaps? i remember telling my late mama, as soon as i finished studying medicine, before i start working as a doctor, i wanted to enter Malaysian Idol or Akademi Fantasia first. well.... till today i never did what i planned to do. why? first of all, mama passed away and she wwas the only one who would give me support if I ever wanted to do this. i don't think i can ever do such thing without her support. secondly, i don't think i have the "package". hahaha!!! thirdly? mmm... i think it's too late. for god's sake, i'm turning 30 this year! (oh my..)

ok, before i start saying craps, i just want to end this blog with a video of myself singing. this is the best one i could come up with. hahaha!!!


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