Friday, 27 July 2012

testimonial lagi :)

saja2 browse through my laptop and stumble across few testimonials from my friends who are using Premium Beautiful. i'm so happy they feel good about this products. apa2 product pun kalau pakai, kite kena yakin dan consistent. kena ada disiplin baru menjadi. ye tak? lagipun Premium Beautiful ni kan pay only once in a lifetime. then boleh pakai lifetime jugak. ada lifetime warranty lagi. so tak rugi pun bayar mahal sikit. bukan bayar puluhan ribu RM pun macam kat slimming centers. so rugi la kalau tak pakai bila dah bayar kan? kena pakai consistently ok :)

there will be more testimonials to come :) nantikan kehadirannya ye!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

teringat mama...

assalammualaikum semua!

harap semua pembaca blog sihat sejahtera dan sentiasa dilindungi rahmat Allah di bulan puasa ini :) before anything else, i'd like to wish everybody Happy Ramadhan... may Allah always bless us all :)
Alhamdulillah so far fasting so good. yesterday i had "hyperactive airway disease" so i was on MC yesterday. this is the 2nd time i have this problem since i started working. now after the prednisolone and ventolin, i feel better although coughing still persists. my dad always says "jatuh sakit tu mencuci dosa" @ "falling sick cleanse our sins" hahaha. ni agaknya Allah tgh mencuci dosa aku la ni (byk dosa memang :p)

sempena bulan ramadhan ni, i always remember my late mother. this year will be the 4th year my mama is no longer around. orang kata bulan puasa ni, semua arwah akan dilepas bebas dan rohnya akan balik ke rumah lama dia. mesti mama sedih tgk rumah kat sg buloh tu kosong tak berpenghuni. agak2 nya mama boleh tahu tak ye anak2 dia sekarang tinggal kat mana? last i had a dream about her was long time ago. In that dream she looked so beautiful with her chinese doll-look. she had black short-bob hair with straight cut fringe, and all she did was just smiling "cunningly" while lying down beside me. why i said "cunningly" ntah la.... the way she smiled was like she was hiding something from me.

that was the last time i ever dreamt of her... i miss my mom... i hope her soul is at rest and may Allah always bless her. if it was not for her, i wouldn't be who i am today. i owe it so much to her...


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