Lots of people have been asking me--- why Premium Beautiful? Why not Jusmate5, slimming beauty centers or exercise??
I have always had flesh. No matter how slim I could be I could never be like "wood thin" coz i've always had flesh--- yeah flesh. When I was younger I always thought I was fat because compared to my other sisters, I am much shorter and more fleshier and so I was considered to be the "fat" person in the family. little that I know, that I actually I was slender (only when I have become older then I realize this). At certain points in my life i was slim because i made myself slim--- eating less and exercising vigourously. When I started my life as medical student, that was worse. That time I was only 20 and I already weighed 60kg. In Malaysia with the height of 155cm and weight of 60kg, my look was acceptable. I was not considered as FAT in Malaysia. But in the place where I studied which is INDONESIA, I was considered VERY FAT. U seldom see chubby or fat people in Indonesia (or should I say in Palembang? coz that is where i studied). most of the people there are normoweight, most probably because of their diet and the amount of food intake they eat. MALAYSIANS LOVE TO EAT, AND WE EAT ALOT! and unfortunately, i am the type that whatever i eat dont get burned up, but it got stuck there in my body not wanting to be burned up!
During the course of my study there i tried few methods of getting slim, and some gave me side effects although it really worked. gara2 makan jamu, aku cirit birit x baik2 setahun-- watery diarrhea. but the way that really worked for me was exercising. i joined gym for 3 months and then i hired personal trainer to train me and my friends at home and within less than a year, my weight dropped from 65kg to 57kg! gambar kat sebelah ni masa aku 57kg la!
haa... ini la orangnya yang berjasa kepada aku dalam program menurunkan berat badan aku. Her name is Lily and she is the personal trainer that trained me and my friends at home (personal exercising class at home). rindu kat dia :)
but everything changed when i went back to malaysia for holiday while waiting for my graduation day. sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit. that's what happened to me. by the time i graduated i weighed 65kg-- AGAIN!
Gambar kat atas ni masa aku graduate. gemuk balik! huhuhu sia2 je aku senam setahun.
besarnya aku masa ni!
haaa... bila dah keje tak usah cakap la. tak payah la aku tunjuk satu2 gambar aku yg semakin tembam. ni gambar aku beberapa hari sebelum aku pakai Premium Beautiful
"comel" kan? hahahaha!!!
I have tried some other methods before this- slimming centers and slimming juices. at slimming centers they always try to make us spend more money everytime we go there. if we don't, they will give less special care or attention to us (this is my own experience and my stepmother's experience). slimming juice costs less, it works well when i drink it everyday, but since the taste is somehow "awkward", i usually take time to finish it. to finish 400ml of slimming juice (jenama *tut*) it takes me like 20 min. although takde la rasa yuck, but i would prefer something tasty. masa tu aku terfikir nak pakai something yg setiap hari nak tak nak aku mesti pakai. tak boleh tidak.
nak jadi cerita, ada la sorang kawan aku ni namanya Dewi. I have always seen her pictures in facebook. she looked so different and more beautiful since wearing PB (Premium Beautiful) so i decided to see her and see for myself. and yes, bukti depan mata... it's my own friend. so i decided to wear PB and because of the business plan that is so great, i decided to join the business too! so takyah la buat locum (bahaya ooo houseman buat locum). and honestly i enjoy it more doing this business coz i'm meeting new people and making more friends and at the same time making more money and that makes me feel good. takde bos yg nak marah2 during ward round what so ever HUH! bonus yg aku dapat baru2 ni pon lebih besar dari gaji aku sebulan. itu baru pangkat sales manager, belum naik pangkat lagi.
elok sgt la tu. pakaian dalam kan? nak tak nak aku memang kena pakai setiap hari. takkan pegi keje tak pakai bra n seluar dalam kot? ye tak? hahahaha!!! so apa lagi... haaa.. not to forget, before i decided nak beli PB ni pon, i did some study. takkan nak percaya bulat2 kot dgn promosi2 ni... first question that i asked myself, apa yg hebat sgt PB ni sampai leh buat orang kurus? Rupanya material yg digunakan untuk buat corset PB ni is embedded with FIR (Far Infrared Rays).
Go to this website and you will see it
tapi camne ek FIR boleh buat kuruskan badan?? haaa.. that is why i did some research. apa agaknya roles of FIR ni sebenarnya???
aku malas la nak edit and tulis panjang2. korang baca la sendiri kat sini: http://www.chimachine4u.com/fir2.html#detox kat link ni ada banyak lagi link2 lain yg korang boleh pergi untuk find out all the health benefits of FIR ni. ada satu lagi tambahan
ada lagi...
kalau nak evidence of health benefits of FIR ni, pegi je pubmed, then type far infrared radiation, nanti keluar la semua information kesihatan pasal FIR kat situ. tak larat eden nak tunjuk satu2. sorry yee....
oleh kerana aku ni orang medical, nak tak nak aku tetap la percaya dgn yang namanya evidence-based. hehe...
haa... pastu ada lak testimonial dan bukti2 dari orang2 berjaya dalam bisnes PB ni sendiri.
Credit to www.curve-talk.blogspot.com
Credit to www.curve-talk.blogspot.com
cun kan? dia yg berdiri paling dekat meja tu la. masa ni diorang ada buka booth utk promosi PB ni. masa tu aku belum join lagi bisnes ni.
ha... ni gambar aku pada hari pertama aku pakai PB ni
comparekan la dgn gambar aku yg pakai baju kuning tadi. huhuhuhhu....
yg ni lepas seminggu pakai PB
Yg ni lepas 2 minggu: jeng jeng jeng!!!
utk gambar terbaru, aku belum update lagi. sebab sekarang aku sibuk keje kat labour room. huhuhu... insya allah next time bile i'm more free i'll update u more on my progress. ok?? tata.....
p/s: utk sementara ni aku kena rehat dulu sebab aku keje malam ni. bsk lak ada event. so nak rehat dulu. ok?